
Project: Replacement of bridge over Yauco River PR-2, Yauco, Puerto Rico
Owner: Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority
Contract Amount: $7,603,967.50
Type of Work: Bridge
This project consists of a 253.26 mts long pre-stressed concrete AASHTO type IV beams bridge over Río Yauco and its accesses, demolition and removal of existing bridge structures on highway PR-2 and PR-335, grading, drainage and other works. Also this contract includes the relocation of 540 mts on Highway PR-335.

Project: New Local Road and Improvements to PR-2 and Access Road to Corozal Highway PR-142 from Station 71+80.00 to Station 86+51.43 Dorado, Puerto Rico
Owner: Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority
Contract Amount: $7,847,478.19
Completed: July 2001
Type of Work: New Road Construction
The work performed in this project was the construction of four highway lanes of 3.65 mts and a 53.74 mts pre-stressed concrete AASHTO type V beam bridge over Highway PR-2. Grading, drainage, MSE retaining wall, relocation of utilities and other miscellaneous works were also part of the project. The purpose of this work was to improve the transportation facilities between the town of Corozal and adjacent municipalities. We finished this project with an early completion bonus of $265,000.00.

Project: Box Culvert over Grande Creek Highway PR-429, Rincon, Puerto Rico
Owner: Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority
Contract Amount: $745,865.56
Type of Work: Box Culvert
This project is a Box Culvert over Grande Creek. The works include the construction of a temporary detour, relocation of utilities, traffic signing, pavement markings and other related works.

Western Industrial Park, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Owner: Empresas Bechara
Contract Amount: $764,215.00
Completed: October 2002
Type of Work: Site Improvement
Project consisted in earth movement and utilities installation.